Internship Program using unique structured format to assist interning participants obtain real career experiences and make genuine team contributions — providing specialized assigned services for actual projects — as opposed to clerical tasks or running errands.


Our selected internship placements present excellent opportunities for students to learn while utilizing their creativity, leadership skills, and specific area of study via assigned project participation — in real business settings. 

Our goal is for participating candidates to enjoy diverse and challenging encounters while making genuine contributions to projects, and improve business consulting and marketing efforts attained through participation in various assigned tasks relating to media relations, event promotions, advertising, public relations, product branding, social media marketing, etc. 

All internships are paid, requires a (work) minimum of 15-20 hours per week, has flexible assigned days and hours (2-5 days/week), and are arranged according to each student’s academic/work schedule. 

  • Accounting
  • Advertising
  • Business Administration
  • Business Development
  • Business Legal
  • Business Management
  • Finance
  • Graphic Design
  • Human Resources
  • Journalism
  • Liberal Arts
  • Marketing & Promotions
  • Mass Communications
  • Photography
  • Project Development
  • Public Relations
  • Production (Television/Radio/Film)
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Social Media Management
  • Web Design/Development

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Our Client

We are blessed to work with leading brands.

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